Sunday, March 8, 2020

Dplorable In Chief

It doesn't get asked often enough and its something that his supporters probably know but have decided to ignore but much of the opposition to our current President is simply because he is a despicable human being.

It is hard to find any redeeming qualities in him or his life.

He grew up a spoiled brat.  His parents sent him to military school to no avail.

He avoided serving in the Military using a phony medical excuse.

He used his father's money to get started and worked with some of the shadier elements in New York real estate.

His successes were generally overblown and he cultivated press coverage.

He has many failed business enterprises and ultimately was saved by being on a successful reality show.

He's never demonstrated the ability to be trustworthy or reliable in his personnel life and has disrespected women throughout his life.

He has become an insult expert which would be amusing in a comic but which is not how most people view a President.

He lies continuously and when caught lies more.

He claims to be an expert in things he clearly knows almost nothing about.  He just uses lies to pretend he knew things he didn't.

He has no problem with attacking anyone he thinks weren't loyal enough to him.

He abuses his post for personal gain and thinks its ok.

The list can go on further but no need to.  His policies are dangerous and his claims about the economy are self serving and generally not accurate.

It really is time to get him out and restore dignity to the Oval office.

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