Friday, March 20, 2020

Make What We Need

Hopefully some of the dire predictions about the virus will not come true and it is important to remember that by most estimates about 80% of the people contracting it show no or minor symptoms.

Of course that is also very dangerous as those people can spread the virus almost by stealth.

It is important to follow the guidelines because of simple math.

Whatever the actual mortality rate is, it increases as the number of infected grow.

It may of course end up being higher here than it should because our health care system is simply not prepared with things like protective gear and ventilators.

They need to be produced in large quantities since inevitably there will be an influx of people needing them as the virus progresses.

Possibly the measures being taken can "flatten" the curve resulting in fewer near term cases, but having too many ventilators is certainly better than not having enough.

Its a no brainer.

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