Saturday, March 28, 2020

Its Just Nature

People who believe in supernatural beings treat them like a force of nature.

Sure they may dislike the behavior of some people but the retribution impacts the good people as well.

In the bible before the destruction of Sodom and Gamora the challenge was to find 10 good men, I guess in those days women didn't count.  We are led to believe the entire population was involved in the attempt to seize the angels but that cannot be so since that group was blinded and the next day Lot found his future sons-in-law who were apparently not blind.  Still the city was destroyed and his wife died because she took a look back which was prohibited.

Really?  These are the acts of the Nazis in occupied Europe when you think about them.

Of course we have other recorded events such as the great flood and the tower of babel that clearly reveal his benevolent nature not to mention multiple instances where he punished one group or another for the sin of being or not being one of the favored people.

What is documented in the Bible, often copied from other ancient works are explanations for things that were simply incomprehensible to those that experienced them.

Volcanos, floods, wars and famine are things we can't control so we invent someone who can control them we can appease.

Of course these acts are mostly random so our efforts to appease often fail, which of course must be our fault.

Nature is what it is and it doesn't work in mysterious ways, it simply is uncaring.

Our species has been on this planer for a very small period since it was formed and we may not be on it very much longer as we destroy our environment.

Nature and the planet just don't care.

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