Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Just Wondering?

One of the things that is just so hard to determine is just how dangerous Covid19 actually is.

In Northern Italy where the death rate is reported as the highest in the world, it is also clear that the number of infected people is greatly undercounted.  Same is true in China.

Without knowing how many people are actually infected it is impossible to get an accurate mortality rate.

It doesn't kill you quickly.  Reading about the Spanish flu you see stories about people getting sick and dying the same day.  Other differences are the people who were most afflicted.

The Covid19 virus is most dangerous in older people or others with weak immune systems.  The Spanish Flu was most dangerous among young people with strong immune systems. In both cases some of the worst damage is actually related to the body's attempt to fight the virus off,   It would seem they should be similar, but apparently not.

Still consider the latest news on flu and COVID-Covid19 from the CDC.
ATLANTA (Gray News) – Flu-like activity is up in the United States this week, but its severity is moderate to low overall, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Friday.

The CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 23,000 deaths from flu, 38 million flu illnesses and 390,000 hospitalizations.  

COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*
  • Total cases: 33,404
  • Total deaths: 400
For the first one we effectively have ignored it for the second we have effectively shut down the country.

Now I realize the COVID-19 is on the rise,and we as yet do not have an effective way to combat it.  Still, I wonder if it was in fact necessary to react like we did when possibly it just would have required some simple precautions to protect us.

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