Tuesday, March 17, 2020

If You Sneeze - Don't Panic!

I imagine the onset of spring allergies is going to result in even more panic as we deal with the Coronavirus pandemic.

The disease its real no one has immunity.  Of course that isn't actually comforting but it is accurate.

Still is it the end of the world?  No, we have lived through this and worse in our human history.

Of course in the past we didn't have all the warnings and predictions that we have no so we would simply have to suffer through a bad season and deal with it.

To some extent this might be different and worse, but no one knows which is partly the problem.

Because of the lack of test kits we really don't know how extensive the infection already is and the best approach to containment.

We also don't know the actual mortality rate since the actual number of people infected is unknowable.

Certainly it does point out how we and other countries are not prepared to deal with an influx of patients.

The problem as I see it is that very likely the virus has already spread into multiple communities and many of its victims don't know they have it.

If you think back to the AIDS crisis, all people had to do was avoid unprotected sexual contact and it wasn't terribly successful.

Maybe we are better at staying six feet apart nowadays, certainly more of us are becoming semi-virtual.

Still it just seems to me like the only ultimate outcome is that the virus run its course and the population builds up an immunity.

I could be wrong.

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