Thursday, March 5, 2020

Its Not A Revolution, Its Democracy

We just saw a resurgence of what I consider common sense prevail on Super Tuesday.

One of the problems with many revolutions, if not all of them, is that the organizers are totally convinced about the righteousness of their beliefs.

That's not to say they aren't addressing real issues, but in revolution after revolution, you see overreaction if successful.

Its sort of like a religious fervor where everyone who disagrees with you is in fact the enemy.

Of course this behavior often ends up in a Dictatorship where dissent is simply not allowed.

That is not to say that there weren't or aren't real issues that need to be fixed, but if you look at how Russia dealt with its pre-war inequality, the results were pretty bleak for many people, most of whom were not evil.

Yes we need to deal with Climate Change but we need to reach a solution that is doable and aggressive.  If your opinion is its our way or the highway, I think you need to calm down.  Fight for the solutions you want but accept that you might have to accept some compromise, or lost the chance at any progress.

Similarly we need to provide health care to all but there is more than one approach.  Medicare is a wonderful program but it certainly isn't perfect.  If you have decided capitalism is evil, you might want to reconsider the country you inhabit.

Every issue requires a solution that is acceptable to the majority of Americans.  Its what we call democracy.  If you think they don't understand, educate don't berate.

If you believe in progressive values I hope you learned the lesson of 2016.  If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with.

At least for Politics.

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