Monday, March 9, 2020

Win Votes or Go Home

My state hasn't had its primary yet and by the time it does it might not really matter.

Some of the candidates who are no longer running would have been strong contenders for my vote, and having lost that opportunity is a bit unfortunate.

It seems to me, although I may obviously be wrong, that we are going to pick the long time, long serving Democrat who represents the majority beliefs of most Democrats.

This is of course disappointing to some in the party who feel that too many Democrats and Americans are too "conservative" in their views.

Well they are entitled to their view but they are not entitled to enforce it on others.

You hear a lot of talk about the Democratic establishment, whatever that might mean.  It has become another way of blaming "them" for things you don't like.

Ultimately its the primary voters who are deciding and its a bit insulting to act like they are making choices directed by someone else.

Each of them gets to evaluate the messages and vote for the candidate of their choice.  The idea that they are forced by some establishment to vote a certain way is patently absurd.

Obviously there are all sorts of attempts to sway them form expensive TV ads to the ideological appeals.

Ultimately they get to vote and if you don't provide the message they want to hear, they aren't voting for you.

Its pretty simple.

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