Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Natural Things

The story of most creatures on this planet is not a kind one.  Nature isn't cruel or kind, its simply uncaring.

The struggle for survival is universal and if a species doesn't succeed it disappears.

Those that succeed influence the next generations and pass on the extra strength or extra speed or extra intelligence that enable them to succeed.

Occasionally a species finds itself in a situation where it doesn't have to compete, notably the Dodo bird at one time.  It never developed evasive or even flight responses and it was fairly quickly wiped out when a predator showed up, namely us.

We like to think that humans are above this, that somehow we have mastered nature and don't have to worry about being prey, at least generally.

Then we see a virus come along like the corona one and we panic.

I certainly understand that we don't want to be infected but I also find myself agreeing with the dotard that the flu is probably as deadly and we pretty much ignore it every year.

It may be too early to tell but this new strain doesn't seem particularly virulent and I think its mostly the fact that it is new that is causing all the alarm.

Yes, it will kill a share of the population, primarily those with compromised immune systems because of age or other reasons, and they should exercise extreme caution.  Of course that is also true of the various flu viruses circulating.

There are much worse diseases out there.

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