Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Who Is Behind It?

One thing that is pretty clear is that the majority of the Democrats voting today and most likely the majority of Republicans agree on some important issues.

For example the availability of affordable health care.

A fair tax system.

Maintaining Social Security.

Protecting the country.

A fair immigration system.

Equal justice for all.

The details of how to achieve these things are sometimes in dispute but not the goals.

Unfortunately the level of discourse in this country has become hostile and greatly exaggerated.

We see positions depicted as much more extreme than they are, sometimes based on actual individual events.

If some school or homeowners association does something, it represents what they think no what everyone thinks.

Who doesn't want to see homeless Veterans get the help they need?  I imagine everyone does but the issue is more complicated than just helping them, especially when our mental health facilities are so underfunded.

Who wouldn't like everyone in America to have a good job?  If anyone it would be the owners of businesses who maximize profits at the cost of those jobs.

When I talk people of pretty much any political belief we fundamentally agree on almost everything. 

It seems obvious that the acrimony is created by the people who profit from it and they don't all live in this country.  

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