Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Silver Lining?

I'm not a big believer in supernatural intervention but sometimes nature leads to a result that seems almost directed.

For example we live in a complex world with complex creatures.  On one hand some argue that the complexity of these creatures is evidence of a creator because someone had to design these creatures who fit so well into the natural world.

Of course the same situation supports the theory of evolution, because those who survived had the best adaptations for where they lived.

Its hard to imagine the complex interactions at times until you consider the vase scope of time and the endless opportunities presented.

Whatever way you lean, either supernatural or natural, the result is that survival requires harmony with our surroundings.

Unfortunately being so prevalent on the planet we have become an organism which offers opportunities to invasive viruses and bacterium.

So these outbreaks are going to continue and potentially get worse as the organisms improve by evolving.

Still, understanding how having a potentially deadly virus isn't desirable, I wonder how many lives are being saved by the reduced air pollution and road travel.

Its also reducing the carbon emissions that are leading to a warming of the planet.

These impacts are most likely short term, but even so I'm sure someone can statistically compute how many lives or illnesses are being avoided in the future.

Maybe some good can come from this.

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