Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Time to Unite

Some people are just obstinate, convinced that they are the only ones who know what is best.

I suspect Bernie Sanders and many of his followers are in that group.

The problem is that as the voters continue to send him a resounding message he will continue to contend with no chance of success trying to impose his positions on the Democratic party.

Now you may agree with his positions or you may not and it is certainly something that should be considered for the platform.  However what seems like a "my way or the highway" attitude doesn't do anybody any good.

It may have given us Trump four years ago and could maybe do that again.

I was watching one of his supporters on an analysis show talk about how the "Establishment" needed to listen to the voices of his followers or suffer the consequences.  Well maybe his followers need to listen to the vast majority of Democrats and realize they are in the minority.

Failure to participate in Democracy is dangerous and its time to unite and press forward.

They seem to have a divide and be conquered attitude.

Believe and work for what you want but listen to the voice of the people, even if you think they are wrong.

They aren't.

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