Monday, November 28, 2016

Everything is Rigged

My actual experience with how things are rigged in New York Construction and public works bidding is admittedly a bit out of date, but I believe that it is likely fairly unchanged.

Now on the surface it may look like a competitive process but the real process is generally very different.  First, there is the process concerning who gets to bid.  Frequently to get a chance to bid you have to meet certain arcane requirements which are well known to insiders but not easily fathomed by new entrants unless you "hire" the right consultants.

Second, there is a certain amount of collusion that goes on between these same insiders who determine how much each should bid so that they all get a chance to earn on some basis.  Throw in the need to accommodate certain special interest groups the bids are totally rigged.

Finally, even if it is your turn, you have to demonstrate that you have the "right" people appeased which includes the unions, the minorities, the environmentalists and others.

Now the result of this is a system that is too cumbersome, too expensive, and too corrupt, but which employs thousands and satisfies a lot of constituents who vote or influence voting.

Now attempts to reform this have been undertaken many times and maybe its different today than it was, I tend to doubt that but its possible.  I'm also pretty sure that its not very different in most other major cities, they all have special interests that need to be satisfied.

The point of all this is that of course coming out of that system you know everything is rigged.  You were one of the riggers.  Further, once you jumped through all the hoops and got the contract, anyone challenging it was a serious threat that needed to be fought.

So when we see the president elect losing it over a recount that is very unlikely to accomplish much, its understandable.  He sees it as someone trying to steal his contract.  Now of course the other possibility is that he knows something was done that might be uncovered, and I certainly think he would be capable of that, maybe he had people counterbalancing the "phony votes" in the big cities he talks about, but I think that is an unlikely scenario.

However, instead of just ignoring this side show, like he should have, he effectively loses it, makes unfounded accusations, and seems to be fuming.

Hope the world is ready for a rocky ride.

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