Tuesday, November 22, 2016

More Randomness

It would be nice to address the issues of the electoral college and gerrymandering to make America more democratic but the party that benefits from both isn't interested.

Interesting article on CNBC today talking about the past and future impact of robotics on jobs.  They are making them disappear and its accelerating.

Its very hard not to see a repeat of what led to the last financial crisis in the cards.  If you add in some trade wars it could be a lot worse.

Our only real hope for the planet is if we have a lot of really stupid scientists who are completely wrong about climate change.

With the glut we already have, prices will stay low and earth friendly alternatives will be non competitive.  So the oil industry will suffer from low prices, we won't develop jobs in the new renewable energy industry, and we'll keep polluting with giant cars as we drive ourselves into recession.

Seeing the hidden racists come out is pretty revealing.

There are the blatant racists and then all those people who are only a little racist but try to deny it.

Racism is a lot like being pregnant, you are or you aren't.

Some people think we moved too fast for much of America in promoting equality and tolerance for all.  You can't move too fast on that, we shouldn't have to be moving at all.

Saw a panel discussing how some alt-right groups don't consider Jews to be people.  Really!

What is maybe the saddest thing is that a lot of people who voted for Trump actually believe he will create good paying jobs.  He will reduce taxes on the rich, create trade wars and harass immigrants and other undesirables.  You will still have to work in a low paying job if you can find one at all since the robots are here to stay.

With the deficits the tax cuts will create he will have to trim your social security and medicare also.

He will let competition drive down the cost of medical insurance because that has worked so well in the past.

The data is pretty conclusive and also pretty scary.  Oddly the people who didn't vote for him will probably do the best.

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