Thursday, November 24, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

The vast majority of Americans will spend the day giving Thanks and eating too much, followed by Football, shopping or naps.

I hope everyone has things to be thankful for and a chance to be safe and warm.
Below are the things I thought we should be thankful for in 2009 as Obama started to turn the financial crisis around.

I'm concerned that we have gone backwards on some of them, hopefully not.

First, despite the current hostile activities, in most ways the Nation's defense has never been more secure. Yes, there is the threat of terrorism and we need to remain vigilant, but there is no real military threat to the country as a whole.

Second, most Americans still have a higher standard of living than almost all of the world's inhabitants. The issues we face will be challenging but we should never forget the great wealth and potential of this nation. We have the capability to solve our problems, we merely need to develop the resolve. We always have in the past and I believe we will again.

Third, we are on the verge of providing health care to all Americans. We need to be smart about it but I can't imagine anyone who thinks we shouldn't do it. Without addressing the issues on the implementation of this, we will find a way to pay for it and we will join the rest of the developed world in improving health care access.

Fourth, most (not all) of the racially divisive issues of the country's history are behind us. Yes, there are still pockets of segregation and it will never go away completely, but society as a whole treats all our citizens equally. We have also made great strides in gender equality. 

Fifth, we seem to have grasped the need to protect the climate and improve the environment. There is a long way to go, but I believe the tide has turned and more and more we will see improvements in how we treat the world we live in.

Finally, we still enjoy the benefits of freedom that our country was founded upon. There are some who think our freedom's are being threatened and we need those people to keep the system honest. There is a constant challenge related to freedom which is best expressed by the old adage that states, your freedom to swing your fist stops where my nose begins. We can have freedom and individuality while respecting the rights of others.

I believe all Americans should keep some of these things in mind this Thanksgiving and enjoy this very American holiday.

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