Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Trends again

This may seem like a bit of a leap from my last blog, but the trend I am highlighting here that the high paying jobs of the future will require a characteristic that machines lack, creativity.

Now creativity is not restricted to art or music.  It is one of the features most needed to succeed in business, allowing you to see opportunities and solutions that are missed by most.

Sometimes you here it call things like risk taking and thinking out of the box, but finding opportunities and solutions is something humans can do that machines normally can't.

If all you bring to the table is brawn or a blind adherence to procedure, you may survive but you are not going to thrive.

Conversely, if your job is simply work that can be automated or mechanized, requiring no thought to do it, it will be done ultimately by a machine.

Certainly its not going to get the high pay it once did in the heyday of American manufacturing.

This is leading to a world of haves and have nots.

If you demonstrate the skills required to succeed, you will end up making a good salary.

Everyone else is effectively on a downward spiral due to the competition they face.

It is simply supply and demand, creative thinking is is short supply and high demand.  Manual labor is in high supply and short demand.

Each person has to develop their "brand" demonstrating their value now.

When I was young, there were some futurists or sci-fi writers who envisioned such a future.  It was either a wonderful thing or a new feudal order.

What we make of the future requires us to understand it and not long to return to some past that is either gone or going.

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