Friday, November 25, 2016

Turkey Trot

I see articles talking about what hasn't changed since the election, should point out we don't change Presidents until January 20.

We could debate how fascist America is, but even having to debate that is pretty sad.

The children and grandchildren of the greatest generation forgot what we paid to defeat fascism.

If half the people who agree with you are fascists, but you say you aren't, maybe your judgment is questionable.

If all the jobs moved to Mexico, why are they still coming here?

I see people talking about how they and there wives have to work multiple jobs to pay for the giant SUV they drive.

Of course having no skills isn't the reason.

If you spent your high school years being a bully and playing sports or chasing the opposite sex, this is how that turns out.

You know during the depression FDR created a public works department to give people jobs and the Republicans hated it, but now they seem to have promised that in this election.

A lot of great things were built then, so I think infrastructure is well worth it, but isn't it a form of socialism?

In all honesty, I grew up in the same city around the same time as the new president and I think I know where he is coming from, but his supporters are in for a surprise.

Need to keep Trump voters away from three card monte dealers.

Thinking that sending business e-mails to appropriate people even if some unintentionally contained snippets of low level classified information is a crime is really hard to fathom.

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