Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Root for Success?

One of the things you hear is that after the election we should hope the new President is successful since his success means America is successful.


Destroying the planet by doing nothing on climate change is not success for America.

Taking away freedom of choice for American women is not success for America.

Disrupting the lives of million of American residents who came here for a better life is not success for America.

Removing regulations designed to prevent the abuses that led to the financial crisis is not success for America.

Building a pointless wall that in the end wouldn't achieve anything is not success for America.

Ripping up trade deals and causing a worldwide crisis that will heavily impact the average American is not success for America.

Not honoring our international agreements designed to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons in not success for America.

Taking away health insurance from millions of Americans without providing adequate replacement is not success for America.

Privatizing Social Security and putting older Americans at risk is not success for America.

Reducing taxes on the rich and increasing the National Debt is not success for America.

Increasing the output of coal that nobody wants anymore is not success for America.

Refusing to accept refugees because of xenophobia is not success for America.

Increasing hate by tacitly supporting racism and bigotry is not success for America.

Cosying up to tyrants and accepting it is not success for America.

Causing our closest allies to worry about our support is not success for America.

And so much more.

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