Saturday, November 12, 2016

Supporting America

America has from the time of the first colonists represented a land of opportunity.

It represented an opportunity to practice the religion of your choice.

It represented an opportunity to succeed by working hard and taming the wilderness.

It represented an opportunity to escape the concept of kings and emperors and live free.

Now of course it wasn't like that for everyone who came here, the slaves, the Chinese who were brought in to work on the railroads, but for many it did.

Now the people who came here initially were not anarchists, they simply wanted to practice what they believed in or pursue fortune without the restrictions in the old world.

Native Americans were for most an inconvenience who either needed to be eliminated or transformed.

Throughout the growth of America we provided this sense of opportunity to waves of immigrants who fled hardships or tyranny.  At times because of conditions in their home country we would have an influx of one particular group, like the Irish during the potato famine, We tend to forget that they weren't greeted with open arms, but rather viewed as threats to the established order.

Many of our immigrants continued our westward expansion but the concept of "legal" immigration didn't exist until we started passing laws designed to protect our ethnic identity and restrict certain undesirable nationalities.  I've included the list below, and it should be noted that many people who claim their ancestors came here legally are only right because we didn't have any laws to restrict them.

Now currently America is still viewed by many as a land of opportunity.  Despite the delusion of the alt-right, immigrants and refugees to this country do not get a free ride and are for the most part very much the same as the immigrants who preceded them.

This is a basic feature of America that we need to support and not buy into the xenophobic actions of the alt-right.

A lot of the people who think immigrants and refugees are destroying America are sitting around complaining rather than doing what the immigrants and refugees are doing, trying to succeed.

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