Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sunday Meandering

I'm always amazed at how many people who call themselves Christians ignore the admonition to "love thy neighbor as you love yourself", unless of course they are all self-haters.

The number of angry people in this country always amazes me but those same people talk about this being the greatest country on earth.  So why are they so angry?

I see stories where one idiotic person does something stupid, like insult a police officer and thousands of angry people talk about how all those (pick a nationality or faction) should be locked up or expelled.  However someone goes into a peaceful place and shoots lots of innocent people and the same people say you can't blame all gun owners for the actions of a few.  Well, can you spell hypocrite?

So is the country going down the tubes or is it the greatest country on earth?

For all those who think they couldn't say Merry Christmas anymore, feel free, say I gave you permission.

We would all be a lot better if people would take a few seconds to think about what they are saying.

Gun owners are so nervous that someone is out to take their guns. Not aware that anyone has ever actually proposed this.  Guess they had to replace the bogeyman with someone.

Some people are so convinced that there are people behind the scenes controlling everything.  Even worse, they seem to be out to get us!

Everyone who supports things like pipelines wants them built on someone else's property.

There really is no good defense for the electoral college.  It was designed to rig elections but the founders didn't set it up correctly.  They actually wanted to avoid what happened in this election and make sure the electors (the respected elders of their community) picked the most qualified person.

Of course the odds of it being changed is slim.

Probably the saddest thing about the election was how the lies about Hillary were more persuasive than the true things about Trump.  Sad comment on American education.

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