Wednesday, November 2, 2016

The Future part 1

What sort of future would we like for America and the World?

What goals should we set regardless of party or short term impediments?

Most of us are too preoccupied with the present to think about it very much but I think having long term goals are important to making short term decisions.

For example if you have a goal of losing weight as opposed to gaining weight, your decision about that cheesecake might be very different, even though in the short term the cheesecake will be just as delicious.

Even so you still might eat it but you now it sets you back a bit.

So what are America's goals?

Well first we have to take care of basic human needs, food, shelter, safety.

So that would be a goal.

We have to live in this world so we want it to be habitable.

If we hold certain truths to be self evident, than all men are created equal and deserve to be treated equally, no matter what they believe, who they love, or where they come from.

They are entitled to be treated with respect and dignity.

People need the opportunity to learn and develop so we need a school system that serves everybody, based on their abilities.

People should have access to good medical care without regard to income level or location.

We need to protect ourselves from internal and external threats to achieve safety but without violating individual rights.

(to be continued)

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