Monday, November 21, 2016

Random Stuff

Someone says you scare them and you demand an apology?

Wealthy will get wealthier and workers will become poorer, Wealthy people need more servants.

Paying no taxes if you are wealthy enough is a very simple tax plan.

We think that America is safe from a dictatorship, but why would that be?

The working class is upset because they didn't recover from the bad things that happened to them under Bush during the Obama years.  Now things can get a lot worse.

Letting wealthy people have more money is good for suppliers of luxury goods who generally don't live in the rust belt.

Real estate prices on the coasts will do well.

All republican have a moral obligation to make a democrat use their Hamilton tickets as a protest.

We have all these white people talking about how they have one or more black friends so they aren't racist.  Seems like I've heard that one before.

If you are rich and famous and also black, you should be OK.

When you realize how much racism and hate still exists in this country, its hard to get over.

Some racists don't think they are, except they get a little thrill when a racist event happens.

Police Officers deserve the exact same respect as every citizen of this country should get.  Lets not pretend they are all saints, I've known way too many of them for that.

Protest existed in the colonies and sort of led to this country existing.  Its in our blood.

If you don't respect other people what respect do you deserve?

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