Sunday, November 13, 2016


Some things are happening is post industrial America that cause some pain to people.  These are trends caused by the improvements in technology and globalization of world markets.

Now similar to other major economic changes, there are those who want to stop them or blame particular individuals for the issues.  However the culprit is the emotionless realm of economics and despite any one's best efforts it is inexorable.

Automation and technology has eliminated many jobs.  In the office environment these were generally lower paying jobs but nonetheless good jobs that provided a pathway for many.

In manufacturing the jobs that can be done by robots will be.  If you don't convert and your competitors do you will be non-competitive.

The forces at work here are what is called progress, which is constant and not easily ignored.  Progress has caused disruption before and has been resisted before, but ultimately it always wins, because those who adapt it become more successful than those who don't.

So what does it mean?

The future has a certain amount of uncertainly about it but certain trends are fairly clear.

It is better to use machines if feasible, they are more reliable and manageable.

Where you have to use manual labor you need to do it as cheaply as you can to be competitive.  So as we globalize, work will be outsourced if it is cheaper.

People with the correct skills to manage the machines or the enterprise will be in demand.

So what about everyone else?

What is left is simply service jobs.

Now some service jobs are in demand but be clear, there are efforts underway to automate many of them.

Take tax preparation.  As tax programs grow and prove accurate, the number of people who use traditional tax services is declining.  Similarly, many legal services can be done using automation, although in many places the legal profession has made rules protecting themselves.

Even in the medical world we see more and more automated options that reduce the need to visit a health professional.

(to be continued)

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