Wednesday, November 9, 2016

We have these things called Elections

People get to vote for whoever they want, its called democracy and its part of what has always made this country great.

Two things happened in my opinion.  Hillary as a candidate never really addressed all the negative things being said about her in the press but rather spent time saying why Trump was unsuitable.  This led to a general conclusion that they were bought equally bad.

Second, too many of the people that should have voted for her either stayed home or voted for a third party candidate as a protest while Trump supporters turned out to vote.

The first issue contributed to the second one and while there will be a ton of data and analysis after this election I'm fairly confident that these two factors played a big part.

There are still so many people who think the e-mail scandal is actually something when it is really nothing at all.  I always felt that it should have been addressed it more forcibly instead of the way it was which almost seemed like relief that she got away with something.

It may have been the fact that she seems uncomfortable dealing with the press and in giving press conferences, but it was fairly obvious from the social media that the e-mail should have been addressed better.

The other thing is simply that for the most part she doesn't create enough enthusiasm.  She was clearly the most qualified candidate and the exit polls support that America felt that way.  However, her approach was too calculated and mechanical and not emotional enough.  Yes some of her supporters were very enthused by her campaign, but she simply didn't get the enthusiasm she should have.

So that lack of enthusiasm and the sense that she was a a flawed candidate led to the outcome in my opinion.

What does it mean?  That will be seen and discussed after the inauguration, but pretty confident that his supporters will be disappointed in the end.

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