Sunday, December 25, 2016

All Men (and Women) Are Created Equal

In the very beginning of this country we established those words as a self evident truth.

Of course they didn't mean it and didn't include women or slaves, but the words established a principle.

We need to recognize that everyone is in fact equal in the most fundamental way possible and treat each other as brothers and sisters.

Once you decide some people are not as worthy as other people you are violating a central tenet of our country and our society.

People do bad things at times and should be held responsible for their actions, but they should be provided the same rights as every one else in doing that.

It doesn't matter what your ethic background is, your religion, your sexual orientation or your political beliefs, we are all equal.

I can certainly disagree with people and at times hate their behavior but I try always to respect their fundamental rights.

Holding someone accountable does not mean treating them with disrespect.

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