Thursday, December 15, 2016

Winter is Still Coming

The Siberian style cold air over most of the country is very appropriate since we are now a Russian puppet state.  I gather they realized that trying to out build us was a losing strategy after the cold war so we got a Manchurian Candidate approach.

Of course despite all the evidence the incoming administration will deny it and since they know that about half the public will believe just about anything its a winning strategy.  We never really anticipated so much disinformation being spread by a political candidate, thinking that certain rules of behavior would be observed.

How naive of us.

Cosidering the stakes involved, it really shouldn't be a surprise that its a no holds barred sort of thing.  Our history of acting responsibly when running for office is now trashed forever, and if people thought dirty campaigning was a problem before they aint seen nothing yet.

Success breeds imitation and the number of fake news outlets and lies that we will see as a regular thing will simply expand.  The public will decide that all politicians are untrustworthy meaning that even if you don't engage in this sort of behavior you will be guilty by association, and most likely lose.

I don't see any way to fix it, the cat is now out of the bag and whatever we thought about the politicians we had, they are going to get worse as the ones who sling the most mud will emerge as the winners.

The lies and misinformation will be impossible to sort through for many Americans so our only hope is that they will draw the line at having to learn Russian.

Da nyet, navernoe!

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