Monday, December 26, 2016

Why not Libertarian

If you ask most Americans how other Americans should behave, the majority could care less.  They certainly don't want them doing harmful things or generally illegal things (although) that varies, but the vast majority of us could care less what anyone else is doing in the privacy of their home or in their day to day activities.

If two people of the same sex enjoy being together and want to get married we really don't care.

What religion or non-religion we follow or don't follow isn't our concern.

What you drink, eat or even smoke is of little concern to most of us.

What sort of music you listen to as long as you're not blasting it in our ears is of no consequence.

This list goes on and on and for most social issues even where people express opinions in surveys, most really don't care unless it impacts them in some way.

In fact if you wanted to summarize how most Americans felt about things we want the country and streets safe, a great economy, clean air and water and an opportunity to be left alone.

Pretty simple stuff, although of course each of those issues can be broken into lots of sub-issues and they are.

If you consider these views and the major parties, you might wonder why more Americans aren't Libertarians?

When you survey Americans about 40% identify as Independent, more than identify as Democrats or Republicans.

Avery insignificant number identify as libertarians.  This is partly because in America the only two parties that we consider important are the two major parties.

Its part of our winner take all approach to politics and also because the two parties have been able to institutionalize themselves into elections.

Our third and fourth parties are considered irrelevant by most even though in many cases, especially the libertarian party it might reflect the views of Americans the best. 

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