Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Patriotism or Principles

Now that the electoral college has completed, some people argue that the American public should support the new administration to be patriotic.

Now of course, that isn't just accepting the result and recognizing that in our system they won, they think his policies should be supported.

It should of course be noted that the policies he ran on were not approved by a majority of the American people, only enough in the right states to win the electoral college.

So it is arguable that he should consider the majority viewpoint.

It is also vague as to how he intends to actually do what he promised.

I certainly would not support locking up his innocent opponent.

A wall between us and Mexico seems silly in this day and age.

Kicking out all immigrants is disruptive and unneeded.

Repeal of the health care law without a known alternative is dangerous.

Ripping up negotiated trade agreements is also a bad idea.

The list goes on.

Loyalty to America does not require supporting bad policies, it actually requires just the opposite.

When a majority of Americans opposed same sex marriage, it wasn't right.

When a majority of Americans supported slavery, it wasn't right.

When a majority of Americans didn't want women to vote, it wasn't right.

This list can also go on.

It is clear that standing up for the principles that made this country great is the right thing to do.

If the President or the Congress is on the wrong side of the issue, supporting them is not patriotic, its just the opposite.

After all, we aren't part of Great Britain.

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