Friday, December 9, 2016

Roman Republic

We tend to think of the Roman Empire when we think of Rome but Rome was a Republic for more of its history than it was an Empire.

From its founding to shortly before the start of the Christian era it was primarily a Republic but there are sources that discuss this.

It also should be noted that it was during this period that most of the expansion took place.

The Republic persisted for about 500 years before it became an empire.  It eventually gave way to the prestige of military leaders who maintained the vestiges of the Republic but used force and brute force to silence any opposition.

Now Rome had achieved great things and by the time it became an Empire it totally dominated the Mediterranean world.

The Republic didn't fall because it was conquered or destroyed by external forces, more that it became factional and that instead of pursuing a common good, it devolved into groups intent on winning.

Now it was never idyllic, no place is, but it did have strong Republican traditions and gave the people a voice in the decisions of the state.

Now the problems of the Republic consisted of high taxes, collected unfairly, high crime and political corruption which led to the popularity of Julius Caesar who promised effectively to solve the problems and restore the glory of the Republic.

His popularity and flaunting of certain traditions led to his assassination and the end of the Republic.

Now this is history and its important to pay attention to it.

We don't want to repeat it.

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