Thursday, December 22, 2016

Some Thoughts on the next year.

Taking over the presidency now will mean that the first few months or year will look like you are great.  We have an economy that is near full employment few US service men is danger and generally speaking decent economic factors that are still challenged by our demographics.

Of course to continue on that path would require a continuation of the current policies which is not likely.  Most likely to try to win over voters for the mid-terms we will see a tax cut pass.

Of course the main beneficiaries of that tax cut will be wealthy people and the average American will see very little of it, and may even pay more based on how they manipulate the deductions.

It will however be touted as a major tax cut and our gullible citizens will eat it up for a while.

Coupled with the increased infrastructure and defense spending that is likely we will see expanding deficits and greater national debt.

To offset some of that we will also see cuts in the services that working and poor people need, like food stamps, social security, medicare, education, environment and housing.

The general belief that these programs benefit only the unworthy will be put to the real world test.

The idea that good paying manufacturing jobs are going to spring up and offset these cuts is pretty delusional since any jobs that come here will be relatively low paying, especially in the rust belt states, where there are some available facilities and labor.

Now if we do in fact start to export undocumented immigrants and reduce new immigrants, those who elude capture will work for very low wages.

Reductions in the federal infrastructure will make enforcement more and more difficult as the budget cuts hit home.

The spending on infrastructure will create some jobs but the number of people is still limited by the availability of projects and physical space limitations.  Of course if we march all those rust belt people to build a wall using ancient Egyptian techniques we may keep them occupied if meagerly paid.

It remains to be seen how this impacts the mid-terms since the gerrymandering in the states is so pervasive that it would take a real crisis to change the congress, and this cycle in the Senate is not so favorable.

What is pretty certain is that while public announcements will be about how great things are, reality is going to be, well reality.

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