Sunday, December 18, 2016

Sunday Mornings Easy?

There's an expression in a song that something is easy as Sunday Morning,

It brings to mind just relaxing and maybe going to church, having a nice breakfast reading the paper.

There's no pressure on Sunday because its a non work day for most.

Of course it isn't for everybody and actually less and less of us.

The whole idea of having a day of rest is predicated on a certain degree of civilization, where in fact having such a day doesn't result in starving or other disasters.

It probably a way to make sure that people spent time at religious services, so by making a day off mandatory you could regulate when they showed up to contribute.

Organized religion requires people to donate or tithe, making preachers essentially beggars.

Of course there is an alternative t that where the preachers spend the week earning and don't rely on donations.

Either way, having a sabbath day, whether Friday, Saturday or Sunday is pretty fundamental to many religions.

I don't know if the eastern religions have something similar, I suppose they probably do but can't say for sure.

The fact that Sundays are not as universally honored as maybe they once were is one of the issues some see with America becoming god less.

Similarly, things like same sex marriage, abortions, public indecency all are signs that we are becoming, or are already, a sinful nation.

What is an odd thing about Christianity particularly, is that while Jesus brought a new law, we kept the old one too.

A lot of people cite things from the old testament to justify behavior that seems to violate the teachings of Jesus, to love thy neighbor as thyself.

That a peaceful Sunday morning.

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