Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Irrational Objections

Whatever you think of our political process, it elected the most unqualified person ever as President this time.  Of course that is a subjective evaluation since the qualifications for President are simply to win the election, but as far as actual experience goes he has the least, at least in the Political world.

Now he is making Cabinet picks based on probably the same sort of factors he used in the Business world and whatever you may think of them, objecting to them is irrational.

He was never going to pick them based on what the establishment would have liked.  In fact his agenda may very well be to demolish them to the greatest possible extent.  He certainly thinks they need to be changed drastically for the most part.

Now the surprise expressed at the picks is simply amazing to me.  None of them are actually any stranger than having him as President.  I mean what did people expect?

Like them or not, and maybe some will have trouble getting confirmed, but what he is doing is exactly what should have been expected of him.

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