Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Political Correctness

There are a lot of people who think political correctness has run rampant in America and that its a form of censorship.  Of course, what they are objecting to isn't always very clear, in some cases it relates to words we use to refer to other people like what do we call the original inhabitants of this country, Native Americans or Indians?

Now anyone can refer to them anyway they want, but it is possible that well meaning friends may point out that using Indians is no longer politically correct.  Of course what we call politically correct is more accurately a socially correct issue.

Yes, there is no doubt that in certain scenarios, like television or media using a term considered offensive by some may result in negative feedback.  It may more importantly result in a loss of sponsors and that of course hits their bottom line.  However neither of those things are political, and the TV station can use pretty much any terms they want if they are willing to suffer whatever the consequences might be.

Take an issue that might be viewed as a politically correctness thing.  Chick-Fil A took positions that upset the LGBT community.  They have the right to take any positions they want and people have the right to respond how they see fit, within the law.  Supporting marriage equality is more a human and religious issue, and the fact that someone who want the public to buy their product may feel the need to keep it happy is commerce more than politics.  The owners free speech was never violated.

Concerning what we call certain people, in some cases it is more a matter of fashion.  Calling the original occupants, Indians was a mistake in the first place, but it persisted.  It is also in the modern day a bit confusing since the people from the Indian subcontinent are much more prevalent in the present than they were in colonial America.  Native Americans is simply a more accurate description but of course American Indian while an inaccurate description would work.

Similarly, a lot of people think they haven't been allowed to say Merry Christmas and have been forced to say Happy Holidays instead.  The point is that while the second term is more inclusive, the only ones general enforcing this are private citizens.  So its really a social situation, not a political one.  I've used both terms depending on the situation and who I'm talking to.  I consider it polite to use Happy Holidays if addressing a non-Christian.

So if you have an urge to insult people or address them in a way that just annoys them, you are free to do so.  However no one cares if you go around saying Merry Christmas to people, except possibly the person you are saying it too.

These aren't really issues, just things that people talk about to make the point that America is being ruined by liberals.  Its really just about being polite.  Of course if you do piss people off, you have to deal with the consequences.

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