Monday, December 12, 2016

American Delusions

There are many Americans who believe things that are simply not true.  Now we always had rumors and sensationalism, but, and possibly it was me, it didn't seem like too many actually believed the really outlandish stuff.

Waiting on a supermarket line you would see headlines screaming out about secrets and conspiracies and while the papers continues to get sales obviously it just seemed rather funny overall.

However, many people who wouldn't actually pay money for those stories now can get them and even worse on the Internet for free.

So things like a fictional child sex ring in a DC pizzeria get circulated and believe by a certain percentage of people.

This isn't even the worse thing and the fact that certain targets get truly brutal layers of lies piled up on them starts to have a significant impact.

We have people who just believe things that don't have any basis in reality at all.

No one has tried to take everyone's guns away.

No one has ever said you can't say Merry Christmas if you want.

Immigrants and refugees don't get an all expense paid life in these United States.

Fraudulent voters are almost non-existent.

Climate change is not a Chinese hoax.

Islam is a religion,

Not all Muslims are terrorists.

The list goes on and on.

Oftentimes you see a lie promulgated with something that says "share this if you want to fix it".  Well it wasn't actually broken in the first place.

Americans need to wake up and face reality.  Its not as bad as your delusions.

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