Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas Eve Thoughts

Generally Christmas is a time for celebration as the commemoration of the birth of Jesus.  Now you may not be a Christian and that's fine but its generally celebrated as a time of joy and peace.

Now today I read a story about a prominent New York republican who said his wish list included the current president dying of mad cow's disease and the current first lady living in Africa with a Gorilla.

This follows some prior news stories about other republicans along similar lines.

Most republicans deny that racism was a part of their dislike of the administration, but the evidence is pretty clear really.

They may not be racists, but they believed the lies spread by the racists among them.

We have had 8 years of an improving economy after the initial year of transition and yet they think the country is in terrible shape.

We have improving deficits but they think the budget is out of control.

We have many less troops in danger but they think we are at greater risk.

Terrorism in this country is now mostly self generated but they think he has failed at controlling it.

They blame him for trends that have been going on long before he became president concerning manufacturing and technology.

Of course there are things that didn't go exactly as we would have wished, we do live in the real world where the unexpected happens and other players exist.

However on the whole the country has been kept safe and the economy has improved greatly from where it was.

Some Americans haven't transitioned to the new reality yet and cling to a past that isn't coming back.

I wish them well although they do need to move on with their lives.

The haters should think about why they hate, they think its obvious, but its mostly based on lies.

Take the season to reflect and be thankful for the last 8 years.

What's coming next may be a rough ride.

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