Friday, December 23, 2016

Number 1?

Many people in America are arrogant about the situation of their birth, meaning because of some relatively fortuitous series of events they were born in this country.

Now the odd of that aren't terrible, we have about 300 million citizens, but its now as common as being born Chinese or Indian.

Now the place of your birth isn't pure chance, we all have parents who live where they do because of actions taken at some time in the past, but the person being born has nothing to do with it.

Now it may be true everywhere that citizens of a country like to think they live in the best place imaginable.

Americans however seem to have a special sort of arrogance, we even have a bit of a reputation for it.

Of course the idea that being born in a particular spot on the planet somehow makes you better than anyone else is fundamentally ludicrous.

However we have many citizens who do indeed feel that way.

Now to be clear, America has a lot going for it economically and socially and because of some luck with oceans and other factors has overall created a first class standard of living for many.

We have a military and economy that is second to none.  However the same can not be said for the rest of our institutions.

We certainly don't have the best education, health, or retirement systems.

Our political system fails to deliver true results if you were to measure each vote equally.

We have significant social issues related to diverse parts of our population.

We have an infrastructure that needs significant updates and repairs.

We saddle many of our young people with crippling debt to get an education.

Yet despite these and other issues we have so many that are certain we are in fact number one.

Like I said our education system isn't the best.

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