Friday, December 16, 2016

People are America

A lot of Americans have great pride about the country they live in.  They feel that America has certain qualities that make it a better place than other countries.  Now, the country has clearly become the major super power of the current age and to a large extent some of this was fueled by the fact that our neighbors to the North and South are not a threat to us and we are protected by great oceans to the east and west.

Of course that protection was of paramount importance before the age of ballistic missiles and even now, outside of massive destruction, the logistics of trying to invade the country would be daunting.  So we have those natural barriers to help us.

We also were blessed with abundant natural resources and productive farmland to allow us to be largely self sufficient for much of out history.  Yes there are some materials we have to import but overall we are in much better shape than much of the world.

However, we are not the only country with strong natural barriers and abundant resources.

What we might have that other countries do not is a somewhat unique combination of political, economic and social influences which have created a diverse culture of innovation and opportunity.

What we call the American Dream.

Its the belief that things are getting better, progress is good, and each generation will have more than the prior ones.

This was possibly our most unique attribute in comparison to the more traditional societies of Europe and Asia where your place in society was to some extent pre-determined by your birth.

We accepted those people and let them escape any caste bound restrictions.  They thrived economically and socially, becoming part of the American melting pot.

This is the true fabric of America and what makes it to some extent exceptional.

However, we are seeing people losing faith in the American Dream, thinking the future is not better, that progress is bad and that America is is trouble.

Much of this is part of the latest developments as we move from old manufacturing to the next stage which is less labor intensive and more creative.

People think the American Dream is in the past.  It never was and never will be.

It is accepting challenges and overcoming them in new and innovative ways.

We have people doing it and the dream is alive.

The future is as bright as ever.

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