Thursday, December 14, 2017

Bad Dream

It looks like there are going to be significant changes in the White House staff going into next year.

Its reported that Omarosa was forcibly removed from the grounds but she officially resigns as of January 20.  I was never quite sure what her job was supposed to be outside of being a token, but guess she wasn't good enough at it.

Of course the staff is taking a lot of blame from the dotard since he can never be at fault for anything that doesn't go right.

Lots of things aren't going right, and the odd thing about it is he could have coasted on the tails of his predecessor who left him a strong economy and rising stock market.

Instead he decided to attack the environment, attack our allies, attack lots of random people and spend less time doing his job than any recent president.

Considering his lack of staff, incompetent cabinet members and general dysfunction in his party, if it is even his party, you would expect him to be there more.

He has his propaganda channel  that he watches and calls everything honestly critical of him fake news.

If I was reading this in a novel, I would get a lot of chuckles but probably dismiss it as too ridiculous to believe.

Sadly I'm pretty sure I am actually awake and this isn't a bad dream I'm having right before the election of 2016.

However, it would certainly be nice to wake up in a world that wasn't as crazy as this one.

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