Saturday, December 30, 2017

Saturday Ramblings

The dotard is so predictably saying that the cold weather in the northeast disproves climate change, duh!

Guess the increased hurricane activity and record heat in the summer was just weather.

He is putting conditions on letting people who effectively lived their whole life here since childhood stay.  Why is this even an issue?

Republicans are somehow convinced that Americans are going see the extra $5 or so from the tax measure and be all enthused.  Of course whatever that might be, it will probably be eclipsed by the increase in health care cost they are creating.

I can't decide if they actually believe the stuff they say?  It's often so idiotic but then you have to consider the speakers.

Of course businesses are seeing the big reduction they got and I'm sure their executives and stockholders are appreciative.

Taking care of the 5% isn't the smartest political move, of course we have a lot of people who aren't paying attention.

Our system doesn't achieve one person one vote is any significant way.  If you live in a small state you have a bigger voice.

One of the things that bothers a lot of "evangelicals" is how many young people are more socially liberal than they are.  They consider this a bad thing but you can't make people think the way you do.

They find things in the old testament that justify denying some people the right to love who they want.  This judging others instead of fixing your own faults pretty much ignores the life of Jesus.

The New Year is about to start and maybe the best resolution would be to let others live their lives the way they see fit and focus on being a better person?

Why not?

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