Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Government Shut Down?

You would think that knowing the money runs out on a certain day would enable the monkeys to do something about it.

I suspect they will avoid a shut down, although the argument seems to be over two weeks versus three weeks for an extension which seems inadequate.

Still they are still recovering from the celebration after they got a tax bill passed in the Senate although they have to get it reconciled with the House bill.

This shouldn't be that hard except they made promises to pass it that aren't what the House signed up for, at least not all of them.

Also, at some point the House members representing States with high tax levels may wake up and realize they are going to be screwing their constituents.

Assuming the constituents are paying attention.

Time will tell if enough representatives realize they are both hurting the public and driving up the deficit.

I doubt they will since they buy into the idea that somehow the technology is going to go away and millions of jobs will be created.

It was a little surprising to me how many Americans accept the lies about what is going on in this country, when they don't actually see it happening where they live.

Of course there are isolated incidents of things, its a big country, but one incident of say a school board doing something stupid only means there are stupid school boards out there.  It doesn't mean that some great conspiracy is undermining American values.

The dotard buys into these theories and he got elected, so it goes to show that many people have a pretty tenuous grasp on reality.

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