Thursday, December 7, 2017

Making the World More Dangerous

The US recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel may seem like a non-event to many, I really don't care myself, except it clearly adds to the risk of retaliation against Americans.

The other problem is that we seem now to be unable to extract ourselves from the wars in the Middle East that we have been at for longer than any others.

Afghanistan, Iraq and now Syria seem to be places where American support and American troops (advisers) are going to be for the foreseeable future.

With additional unease caused by this move, the enemy will have additional recruitment resources.

These wars are costly, both in money and the lives they affect.  While the number of casualties is down from its high point, it is by no means safe and the money diverted to pay for these wars is adding to our growing deficit and national debt.

The one lesson that the past teaches us is that no nation can continue to overextend themselves indefinitely.  It's disruptive at home and costly and in general has led to the fall of all of them.

Its even worse considering that there is no offsetting benefits.

What can we possibly gain fighting these wars?  They increase the risk of terrorist attacks and increase overall resentment against us.

We aren't planning to seize their resources or enslave their people.

I only mentioned the Middle Eastern countries but as the radicalization grows our presence is expanding.

We recently lost American troops in Niger and not so long ago Libya.

We are overextending and over deploying our troops and it results in shattered lives with little to show for it.

We now have to deal with the North Korean situation and no one knows that outcome.

We have created a world, over the last twenty years of crisis diplomacy.

We had some allies, not friends that fought with us in the Arab world.

Is it really desirable to make it even harder for them to work with us?

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