Sunday, December 17, 2017

Quid pro Qou

Coincidentally the senator changed his mind around the same time a provision was added to the tax bill that is going to make him a lot of money.

In order to maintain his innocence he admitted that he hadn't read the bill, just relied on what otherstold him was in it.

Corker Doesn't Read

Now I believe he didn't read the entire bill, I'm pretty sure few of the monkeys did and I know the dotard didn't, but it just seems off that not one told him that they were expanding the pass thru provision to include his type of company.

I'm pretty sure none of his fellow party members will see anything suspicious here even though if someone involved in any criminal investigation of the Clintons were even at the same event as one of them years ago it is clear evidence of collusion and conspiracy.

Of course if they are actually investigating the Russian connection, it seems pretty irrelevant.

The Clintons were as ubiquitous in politics as Kevin Bacon was in movies so if you put a little effort you can probably find a link to just about anybody who's anybody is well under seven steps.

What does that mean?

Well its pretty simple, nothing, nothing at all, unless you watch Fox or are a conspiracy theorist.

Then it becomes an obsession.

Meanwhile pretty straightforward connections aren't believed because he denies it.

Lesson learned, at least for now, is just say it wasn't you.

Shaggy, It Wasn't Me

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