Sunday, December 24, 2017

Immigrants R Us

There was a report by anonymous sources that the dotard said all Haitians have aids and Nigerians live in huts.

The White House is denying he said those things, but I think even his most loyal supporters are probably pretty sure he did.  In fact they are happy he did.

The fact that he has a low opinion of people from those and many other countries is not surprising, he sort of shouted it out during the campaign.

I'm not even sure it qualifies as news at this point.

There have always been people in this country who didn't like immigration, even when they themselves had recently immigrated.

Of course without immigration we wouldn't actually be a country.

The opposition to immigrants is part of a syndrome that happens to new homeowners.  You bought a house after most likely a lot of consideration and want the neighborhood to stay the way it was when you decided to live there.  Obviously if you move into a well established neighborhood, there's a chance that might happen, but don't forget, you yourself was a change for the older residents.

If you move into a development that is still expanding, of course some of the views and open spaces are likely to go away.

Change happens whether we like it or not.

Generally we are suspicious of people who don't seem to be like us.

Of course ultimately everybody is pretty much the same, no matter how they look or how they dress.

Just consider the second and third, maybe fourth generations of those immigrants who came here in the late 1800s, escaping famine, religious oppression and tyranny.

Of course, at the time, they were gong to destroy this country, lived like animals and spread crime.

People are people and no group is better or worse than any other.  Some are just more recent.

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