Friday, December 29, 2017

Please Provide Incriminating Evidence

After a number of years of unsuccessful investigations, it seems like the newest tactic is simply to say that the DOJ, the FBI, the DNC and anyone else they can think of is withholding the "real" evidence that would prove guilt.

Of course one way to conduct an investigation is to make up your mind first and look for anything that would confirm it.

Having made up you mind, the evidence has to exist, and failure to turn it over means you are engaged in a cover up and a deep state conspiracy to hide the "real: facts.

Then you find two people, who work in the FBI who express political views to each other on their phones which aren't favorable to the dotard.

Never mind that they, like all Americans have the right to these views and the right to express them privately, it is clear proof of bias and should have been turned over.

Well the fact that they, like a majority of Americans, felt the dotard was unqualified to be President is an indication of an opinion not bad behavior.

Not to the conspiracy monkeys in the House!

They do everything based on pure partisan motives so of course so does everyone else.

Never mind that most civil servants actually do their jobs no matter what their personal beliefs are.

Everybody is like us, everybody is biased and everybody lets partisan beliefs cloud their judgment.

The ongoing efforts to prove a crime happened when clearly none did is a tremendous waste of taxpayer money but it keeps the base interested.

It will continue as long as they can milk it and try to distract the public from the real investigation about the election.

One where there has already been a criminal indictment.

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