Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Wealthy People

F. Scott Fitzgerald said about the rich "They are different then you and me".

If you read the full quote it goes on to say that they, because of their early advantages, are convinced they are better than the rest of us, because from a very early age they were treated better.

This of course applies to those born into wealth who never wanted for anything.

Look at the dotard.  He expects to be appreciated and loved and when he isn't he doesn't understand why not.

He has no real feeling for what most of us understand about the world we live in, In large part he is more of an outside observer than a participant.

If you have enough people and are as shallow as he is, you will always find people who tell you how smart and great you are, how nothing is your fault, how others tell lies about you.

It explains a lot of his behavior and those who think he is on their side are mistaken.

You are either on his side or you don't matter.

Yes he tells people he needs something from whatever he thinks they want to hear, why does he care if they actually believe him.

If you simply look at the life he lived, he was never faithful to anyone, changed his views frequently and was at best a so-so businessman.

He was never an A-lister in either business or the entertainment industry and was tolerated because he had money and some fame.

Of course for the people who voted for him, whether because of abortion, or racism, or even because he promised to get government off their backs (this was to his wealthy friends), you threw your lot in with someone who has never demonstrated that he is dependable or reliable.

Old dogs and all that.

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