Friday, December 22, 2017

Fun With Statistics

So yesterday the administration released a report that said half of prisoners in federal custody were in the country illegally.  Sounds sort of bad but it turns out that's because they were arrested for being in the country illegally.

Remember the federal Government handles immigration cases and a few other types of crimes while most crimes including the vast majority of violent crimes are prosecuted at the state and local level.

Because of the nature of federal crimes you will find people who were guilty of things like bank fraud among others, so I'm sure that there is a higher percentage of people like say Bernie Madoff in federal prisons than in the general population.

Its one of the fun things you can do with statistics and with the dotard in charge I don't know if he is manipulating them or simply sees a number and uses it.

Its like the way they try to distort the impact of the tax bill.

There are a lot more people who aren't rich than who are so if you give everybody an increase in their standard deduction while taking away personal and other deductions you can say more middle class people are getting tax breaks than rich people are.

Most of the benefits accrue to business and wealthy people but others do get a small tax break.  Of course its temporary but maybe it will get extended.

More likely though because the deficit is now going to be worse you will see an attack on entitlement programs that they depend on.

Growth statistics are another fun thing to play with.  If you increase the growth rate by a percentage point or two, the numbers are very nice.

Will the tax cut do this?  No one thinks it will except the dotard and his ilk and even his own economists don't.

You can however do it on a chart and since the future isn't here yet, you can show the chart and say things like, we can do that!

Well, probably not, but some will believe you.

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