Saturday, December 9, 2017

Where's the Slap On the Faces?

When I read some of the accusations coming out about inappropriate sexual or imagined sexual behavior, I find some very credible but a bunch that just don't ring true.

For example you pose with someone in public to take a picture and he grabs your ass.  No reaction?  Really?  Wouldn't you at the very least ask what are you doing?  There were a lot of other people around and no one noticed?

Now apparently there are a bunch of women who don't react like every other person in the world when something totally unexpected and unwanted happens to them.

There are certain elements to these type of stories that would make them easy enough to fake if there was some motivation to do so.  No one can deny it happened except the accused. Easy enough to get a few people to say you mentioned it to them at the time, but regardless, I never met the person who gets their ass or breast grabbed in public and didn't react somehow.

There are some elements that are common is some of the Hollywood incidents that also seem troubling, almost as if from a script.

First something inappropriate has to be alleged, something of which there is no record.  Then a bunch of unnamed but important people have to warn you not to report it at the time because it will ruin your career.

This bring me to the third element that bothers me.  Were some of these incidents, even if they happened, anything at all?

Someone kisses you in rehearsal in a way you consider "wrong".  Well it was supposed to be a rehearsal, was it really anything?

In some cases the stories include allegations that the perpetrator ogled the victim.  Maybe, maybe not but not actually anything either way.  One persons ogling is another's glance.

There are victims out there and I would like to think that we are not seeing an attempt to discredit certain allegations by creating a bunch of unverifiable ones that will make it seem, well almost normal.

I fear however that we have people either with malicious or other motivation coming forward with allegations that are simply nothing really.

I suspect that pretty much every women in the world has received some sort of unwanted attention or possibly touching during their lives.  Should we put every teenage boy on the registry who tries to cop a feel during a date?  I hope not.  He deserves a good slap on the face not a lifetime sentence.

The ones who don't stop when told are the real problems.  I guess we can just classify all men as sexual predators and move on.

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