Friday, December 8, 2017

The Long Wait

There are people who think the world is very different from what most of us think.

If you listen to the faux news channel you get the idea that America can do whatever it wants to because we are the strongest nation in the world.

We certainly are militarily but realistically, we are stretching our forces pretty thin, as do all countries in situations like ours.

Its not a contest between globalism and some misguided America first policy, we live in a world where we represent a fraction of the total.

As rich as we are, we are not able to be the arbiters of everything everywhere.

That's where diplomacy and joint initiatives come into play.

Of course we have the embarrassing dotard who clearly doesn't understand things like that and thinks his only real concern is pleasing some constituent base.

People voted for him because they didn't think he was a politician, but he is.

In fact he is the most political of them all, since he will say whatever he thinks will go over well with the crowds he likes to play to.

He's reminiscent of old movie politicians who only cared about themselves, because he only cares about himself.

He has no desire to serve the public, he wants to make gestures and take credit.

The Affordable Care Act is an example of how he believes some propaganda with no concept of the actual truth of the matter, it is sort of working.

This tax package which is a big Government giveaway isn't what he thinks it is, but if they pass something he'll take credit for a historic tax cut for the middle class, those earning between 1 and 100 million I guess.

Let make an announcement that plays well to the pro Israel and evangelicals although it accomplishes nothing and hurts any peace efforts, which might be a pipe dream anyway.

The people who thought the mines were gonna open and the factories were coming back are still waiting.

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