Sunday, December 10, 2017

Empty Promises

Has the first snow of the season here, makes it seem like the holiday season.

So the current tax bill is going to make the deficit worse at which point the monkeys are gonna chatter about cutting entitlement programs.  So less for the old and poor and more for the rich, old and young.

It amazes me how many people walk around believing complete fabrications. Unfortunately one of them is our dotard.

A large number still believe our prior president was born in Kenya and that the Government staged the moon landing.

When a tax bill or health bill is formulated in secret by small groups it certainly leads to some distrust.

The less we know the better for them.

A lot of us don't seem to care until we don't like what happens and then want to know who let it happen?  Well we did.

What the Government does impacts you more and more every year.

We live in an interconnected world where rejecting the Paris accord leads to more future storm damage.

Letting the public lands be mined makes a few people rich but diminishes the rest of us and hurts wildlife.

Its our future and we need to insist on certain actions that are good for everyone, not just a few.

If you vote for the best liar, well you will be lied to a lot.

How you vote is less important than knowing why your voting.    Empty promises don't mean much unless people just accept them.

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