Friday, June 8, 2018


One of the things almost all American agree on is that out Government is broken to at least some degree.

The fact that we get to elect the people running it doesn't seem to matter.

Elections for congress generally result in most incumbents getting re-elected if they run.

A lot of this has to do with name recognition.

Many American pay so little attention to who their representative is and who is running that if they vote and see a familiar name, they vote for it.

They probably know if he is a republican or democrat, but can they tell you about his/her voting record?

Odds are against it, although they may have gotten election campaign materials in the mail that talked about it.

We get the Government we do because most of the time we try to ignore it.

We don't like what we see on the news about its dysfunction, but we're not willing to take the time to fix it by electing better representatives.

Part of the problem is that the candidates we get to choose from are so often a choice between bad and worse.

Vote for the name you recognize is the easiest way to select.

With all the negative ads, its clearly a lose-lose proposition.

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