Tuesday, June 5, 2018


One way to look at some of the actions of the dontard is to say he is standing up to his enemies and holding to certain principles.

I suppose that is the way his supporters look at it as he fights with more and more people, both domestically and internationally over his stands on things like trade, pardons, collusion, lying, immigration, gun control and abortion.

Of course that is the most favorable light you can put on it.

The one that seems to ring truer is that he is acting like a toddler who throws tantrums when he doesn't get his way.

His decision to disinvite the Super Bowl Champion Eagles because some of the team wouldn't attend is just like the kid who wants to take his ball and go home if he isn't picked first.

Now his apparent belief that owners or anyone else can force citizens to do things they don't agree with is typical of his disregard for the rights we have in this country.

Of course a few people missing from the group would be no big deal except it would have been played up in the press, probably more than it should be.  Still the big toddler can't accept any criticism and rather than recognize the team's achievements he made it about himself and his odd beliefs.

He is also finding national leaders from other countries starting to disagree with him.  His "friend" Macron apparently told him how he disliked his decision on tariffs.  What did he expect?

Many of the allies are working with Iran to salvage the nuclear deal and circumvent American sanctions, imposed despite Iran's compliance with the agreement.

This provides some wonderful opportunities for China and Russia to increase influence and ties with the rest of the world.   Where it ends is anyone's guess.

The historic summit with North Korea has done more to legitimize that regime already than any action by any administration since the Korean War.  It is already a major success for them, not matter what the outcome is.

Lets be clear, North Korea was never a real threat to this country even if somehow they could deliver a warhead that we didn't intercept.  We would have annihilated them in an instant.  The program did accomplish world recognition and their elevation to a player on the world stage.

Was probably worth every penny to them.

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